Stephen Bruton – Full Mixes and Isolated Tracks

1) “Bigger Wheel”
Drums – R-121
Resonator Guitar – R-122
Harmonica – R-121

2) “Treasured Wounds”
B3 – SF-24
Electric Guitar – R-121

Recorded and mixed by Ross Hogarth. Produced by Ross Hogarth and Stephen Bruton.
Recorded at Mad Dog Studios, Burbank, CA

1) “Bigger Wheel”  (Anderson, Bruton)

Recording chain: All mics through Neve 8088 board preamps. Recorded to Pro Tools HD.

1a) Full Mix


1b) Mono Drum room: R-121 five ft in front of kit, 3 1/2 ft high, compressed with Chandler EMI.


1c) Resonator guitar: R-122 in front, with a U-67 over the shoulder.


1d) Harmonica: Shure Green Bullet mic on harmonica to tweed Vibrolux. R-121 on Vibrolux amp.



2) “Treasured Wounds” (Barber, Bruton)
B3 – SF-24
Electric Guitar – R-121

Recording chain: SF-24 to Great River MP-2NV preamp. R-121 to Neve 8088 board pre to 1176 compressor. Recorded to Pro Tools HD.

2a) Full Mix


2b) B-3: SF-24 two ft in front of Leslie. (See photos)


2c) Electric Guitar: R-121 on tweed Vibrolux.

Posted in B3, Drum Room, Drums, Electric Guitar, Harmonica, R-121, Resonator Guitar, Ross Hogarth, SF-24, Stephen Bruton.